7 Steps To Fix When Gas Oven Is Heating Slowly

Just because cooking takes time doesn’t mean it has to take forever, and just because patience is a virtue doesn’t mean you have to condone time-wasting from your oven. If your kitchen range is taking longer than it should in preparing your food, it has a problem, and the good news is that you can fix it.

So how do you fix an oven heating slowly?

First, find out if the temperature detector isn’t leaning on the internal wall as that would prevent it from correctly assessing your oven’s temperature. And if it is, adjust it so it won’t ever reach the wall. If your attempt still proves futile, with the aid of an ohmmeter, check if the problem is with your detector or gas detonator. If it is, get a new one.

At the end of this read, you will have learned how much time a gas oven takes to heat up, why it heats laggardly, and how to fix it when you discover a change in performance.

7 Steps To Fix When Gas Oven Is Heating Slowly

Simple replacement to your temperature detector and gas denotator should suffice since most kitchen range malfunctions are often caused by a faulty temperature detector and a gas detonator. However, in some cases, you might need recalibration for it to work.

While we may encourage you to fix your kitchen range problem yourself, we do caution restraint, mostly when you’re lost or confused. There’s nothing wrong with calling in an expert to fix your oven for you.

Below are simple DIY steps you should follow when your gas starts heating slowly:

  • Check on your temperature detector. Ensure it isn’t leaning on the internal wall of your Kitchen range.

  • With the aid of an ohmmeter, check if the detectors are functional. The ohmmeter should display an increase in temperature when your range increases.

  • Confirm that your gas detonator or the heating element is fully functional. Replace if it is defective.

If nothing changes after performing all of these attempts, then you might need to recalibrate your kitchen range. This is so you can know if your oven is preheating to the appropriate temperature.

  • Heat your kitchen range to 350°, and after twenty minutes, with the aid of a range thermometer, confirm the internal temperature of your kitchen range. Do it every twenty minutes up until 120 minutes. If you don’t have a thermometer, get one for as low as $6

  • A little math is needed here. Sum up the numbers you obtained from the temperature readings and divide it by the number of times you did the readings. Whatever you get is the average temperature of your kitchen range.

  • Lastly, adjust your range temperature to suit your result.

That should be enough to get your kitchen range up and running again. If you run into problems along the lines, feel free to call in an expert. Here’s a video demonstration to guide you through the procedure.

How to know your gas oven isn’t correctly functional?

Here are a few signs to keep an eye out for when using your oven:

  • Uneven cooking

Uneven cooking occurs when you don’t place your food appropriately into the oven or when you don’t give it enough time to cook. However, when it happens repeatedly, a faulty gas detonator isn’t out of the question.

  • Slow heating

Ovens are known to have different heating times, and as such, it all comes down to the brand you’re using. However, it is worth noting that if your kitchen range is taking an extended time than usual, the problem may lie with your gas detector. Your detector might be leaning against the internal wall of your oven.

  • Timer

Time and cooking go hand in hand, and one without the other wouldn’t be so good. You can only cook foods for a specific period, and a timer is in charge of alerting you when that period is over. If your timer stops working, it won’t be long before you start burning and overcooking some foods.

Why is my gas oven heating so slowly?

From a damaged detonator to a defective relief valve, a number of things could make your gas heat slowly. However, it is most likely to be an internal issue. And while we’re at it, a defective gas regulator cannot be ruled out, especially since it manages the amount of gas released into the oven.

While there might be other noteworthy reasons why your kitchen range may be malfunctioning, we’ve narrowed it down to three common internal issues.

  • The Gas regulator

Also known as the thermostat, the gas regulator is at the heart of operations in an oven. It controls how much gas goes into your oven, allowing it to reach the required temperature enough to make your meal. If it is faulty, that would explain why your food is taking longer to cook and why it comes out unevenly cooked.

The significance of a regulator to an oven is vital, and as such, when defective, it often prevents enough gas from flowing through the oven. Thus, leading to a slowly heating oven. When this happens, changing your regulator is highly recommended.

Fixing a gas regulator shouldn’t pose too much of a problem for you if you follow the right steps. But when confused, it’s okay to call in the professionals.

  • Damaged detonator

A gas detonator or igniter, when damaged, can cause you a whole lot of problems. Tasked with the responsibility of distributing gas to your kitchen range, your detonator, if broken, will prevent the gas from fully going round. And as such, all of the gas will remain confined inside the valve.

So long as your detonator isn’t working, you have no choice but to purchase a new one.

  • Defective relief valve

Your gas heating slowly is one problem, but with a lousy relief valve, you could have another one in your oven getting too hot. At this point, calling a professional is highly recommended as the situation is dire. A broken relief valve is a bigger problem than the others and could quickly escalate if not contained. As soon as you perceive any gas close to your kitchen range, you should reach out to your gas company and step out of the house as a safety measure.

How long should it take a gas oven to heat up?

An average kitchen range is expected to heat up to 350° 15 minutes in. However, some factors could fasten or lower how much time your oven takes to heat up. The model of your Kitchen range could play a huge part in this contest, considering the latest versions have a preheat innovation.

Old kitchen range models may take longer to heat, but the model might not necessarily be the cause of the problem. The problem might be emanating from a failing gas detonator that has lost resistance. When it isn’t strong enough to channel enough energy, your detonator is incapable of releasing the gas needed to power your Kitchen range.

The ideal solution would be to call in a professional to diagnose the actual problem because you’re dealing with gas. A problem without a known cause can be very deadly, especially one that involves gas. A failing gas detonator could lead to increased CO2 discharges from your range and ultimately lead to an outburst of flame.

A good chat with a repair expert should shed more light on the situation. Just don’t forget to describe the brand and model of your kitchen range to the repair expert. It’ll help in getting the necessary parts and tools needed for repairs.

The same should apply to any not properly functioning gas equipment in your home. Check it out with a competent repair expert for your safety.


Gone are the days of chopping firewoods and cooking with kerosene. Now we have gas cookers, ovens, and other kitchen appliances that facilitate faster cooking. If your kitchen range is cooking for more extended periods, you shouldn’t have to put up with it when you can just fix it. Similarly, if you’re too busy or find it too difficult, you can leave it to the experts. Either way, your oven will be back up and running in no time.

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