How Many Sockets Can Come Off a Fused Spur? Answered!

How Many Sockets Can Come Off a Fused Spur? |

Many people think that ovens, washing machines, and heathers use sockets and plugs to connect to the current, but that’s not true. Although some of them do, the majority of these appliances use a fused spur to connect to the key circuit of the house, creating their own individual circuit.

Some estate regulations establish that appliances should be connected to a fused spur. This converts them into the main electrical connection seen in any kitchen, washing room, or bathroom in any American house, with the purpose of protecting the house’s main electrical system.

How Many Sockets Can Come Off A Fused Spur?

You can connect more than one socket from a fused spur, but experts in the electrical field don’t recommend this practice due to dangerous risks. It’s recommended that only one socket comes off a fused spur to avoid overloading the cables, overheating, or even an overcurrent.

The fused spur separates and isolates a branch of electricity, creating a new separate circuit to allow an electrical device or appliance to turn on and off without connecting them to the main house’s electrical current. Still, it has a maximum capacity that shouldn’t be exceeded.

Connecting more than just one socket to a fused spur could overload the cables because the maximum capacity of the current, usually 13 Amp, was exceeded. And, the overload, aside from damaging and overheating the electrical devices, could cause an overcurrent, leading to an electrical fire.

Can I run two sockets off a fused spur?

Having more than one socket off a fused spur is possible, but it is not recommended. The maximum recommended is to have one double socket off a fused spur. Adding more than one socket won’t increase the current, and the amperage of the fused spur will still be the same.

So even if you add more than one socket, the moment you connect an electrical device of high current to it, it won’t let you use more electrical devices or appliances because there won’t be enough current for them, and there could also be a risk of overloading.

For example, if you have a fused spur of 13 Amp, you can add more than one socket to the entire circuit, but the maximum capacity of all the sockets will still be 13 Amp. Then, if you connect your washing machine, you probably won’t have enough energy left for other electrical devices to function.

Can You Run A Spur Off A Spur?

Running a spur off a spur is not recommended because connecting it could lead to a possible overload. Doing it could easily exceed the maximum current capacity for the cable coming from the second spur. All the charges should be reasonably balanced across the ring to prevent overloads from happening.

How To Add A Spur On A Main Electrical Circuit?

Adding a spur to the main electrical circuit of your house is the best way to create a safe electrical current circuit separated from it. If an overload happens, the house’s main electrical current won’t be affected, and the damage will get cornered to the socket leg where the fused spur wires are off.

But not all sockets serve this purpose, and a fused spur can’t be connected to any socket. To add a fused spur, you need to find the right socket. Check if the socket you want to spur off is connected to the ring circuit and that only has two cables. If it has one or three cables, you can’t connect a spur.


What’s A Fused Spur Used For?

A fused spur allows any electrical device to operate on a different current circuit from the original current, creating a branch or a “spur” from the main electrical circuit, also called a ring circuit. So a fused spur is the best option to use with appliances that manage high voltage.

Connecting all these electrical devices or appliances to a different cable outside the main current will protect your house’s main electrical system from overloading and possible electrical fires. That’s why they are used often by professional electricians to use inside a house.

Between the appliances or electrical devices that should be connected to a fused spur are the thermostat, dishwasher, washing machine, heater, boiler, refrigerator, and oven. But other electric devices that aren’t usually inside the house, like a water pump, can also be connected.

The most common appliances attached to fused spur are kitchen and bathroom appliances, so fused spurs are most commonly installed and seen in these areas. The most frequently used fused spur comes with a current of 10, 13, and 20 Amp, but 3 and 5 Amp fused spurs are also available.

What’s The Difference Between A Fuse And A Circuit Breaker?

Fused spurs are always labeled and compared with circuit breakers due to how similar they are. And although their purpose is the same, of automatically interrupting the source of power or current to an electrical device, appliance, or area after an overcurrent event, they have some fundamental differences.

Fuses have less initial cost than circuit breakers, and they don’t require any maintenance service, unlike circuit breakers which do need regular maintenance and have a higher initial cost. But circuit breakers last more than fuses, which is one of their major differences.

After a current overload or short circuit, a circuit breaker can be reset manually after interrupting the event. Then, circuit breakers have a longer lifespan, unlike fuses that can only be used once and must be replaced after having interrupted an overcurrent event.

What’s The Difference Between Overcurrent, Overload, And Short Circuit?

Managing an electrical current in the domestic or industrial area has to be handled seriously. But, even with significant experience in the electrical field, there are always risks of overcurrents, overloads, and short circuits when handling an electrical circuit.

  • Overcurrent: An overcurrent is an excess of the current rated in any equipment. It can be provoked by an overload, short circuit, or ground fault. Some consequences of an overcurrent include electrical fires and equipment damage.
  • Overload: An overload is the operation of equipment that has an excess of its current capacity because the equipment drained excessive current from the supply. If an overload persists for a long time, it can cause the equipment to fail and also provoke overheating.
  • Short Circuit: A short circuit is a type of overcurrent that has exceeded by much the normal load current of a circuit. The current takes a short path to return to the power source, provoking the short circuit. And, it usually occurs when there’s a fault between the line to earth.

What Types Of Fused Spur Exist?

There are two main fused spurs, the switched fused spur, and the non-switched or unswitched fused spur. Other variations exist from these types, like the single-pole, the double pole, and a fused spur with a timer. But the best-fused spur option for you will vary depending on each case and the intended use.

  • Switched fused spur
    This type of fused spur has a switch or button that lets it be manually turned on or off. They are used with devices that don’t need a continuous source of current all the time, like a heater.
  • Unswitched fused spur
    This type of fused spur doesn’t have a manual button. They are used with devices that need a continuous source of current at all times, like a freezer.
  • Single pole fused spurs
    This type of fused spur has a lower safety rating because they feature a simpler isolation mechanism. This means that the current of the live wire is the only one affected, and the neutral line that completes the circuit remains unchanged.
  • Double pole fused spurs
    This type of fused spur is safer than single-pole models because it isolates both wires that complete the circuit. This fused spur is a switch model so you can connect and disconnect the current at will.
  • Fused spurs with timers
    These types of fused spurs feature a switch and a timer combined, meaning they can be programmed and adjusted to turn on or off the current at any specifically chosen hours.

Does A Spur Need To Be Fused?

The main purpose of a fused spur is to isolate appliances that use high voltage for security purposes. So, according to state and regional regulations and laws, all appliances need to be fused for this purpose, being the best way to do it with a fused spur.

The reason behind these laws and regulations regarding fused spur for appliances comes from emergency scenarios that could happen. In case there’s an emergency, a fire, an earthquake, or any other emergency, you will be able to turn off any appliance without touching it directly.

What’s A Fused Spur?

A fused spur, fused connection unit (FCU), or fused spur switch is an electrical switch with a component inside that protects against shocks and electrical fires. This component inside each fused spur is an individual fuse that breaks the connection when the current is too high.

The fused spurs are electrical switches that are wired between the ring circuit and an appliance, and they protect the main house electrical system by isolating that appliance that uses a high current from the rest of electrical devices and other appliances.

Any appliance wired to a fused spur won’t need to use a plug or socket to connect to the current because it will be directly connected. The fused spur will work as the main power switch for that appliance, with a current circuit of its own domain so that it can be manually turned on and off.

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