Is It Safe To Put Tape On A Broken Charger? YES, But…


Most of the devices we use today use chargers such as mobile phones, laptops, or tablets. The charger is very important for any device because, without the charger, the device will not work; however, chargers can be frayed over time and get worn and torn.

Is It Safe To Put Tape on a Broken Charger?

Yes, it is safe to put tape on a broken charger only if the tape is rated for high-temperature degrees because the charger gets warm when connected to electricity; therefore, if the tape is not rated for high-temperature degrees, it will start to meltdown and stick to the charge which is not safe to use because the charger will be exposed.

Another condition that must be true before using a tape to fix a broken charger is the material of the tape; it must be made of a non-conductive material; therefore, the current will not pass through the tape and reach the user’s hands which can electrical shocks and injuries.

5 Methods To Fix A Broken Charger

Method One

1). Check The Outlet 

The outlet could be the main reason your charge is not working; therefore, you should try using another outlet to test if the charger is working. In addition, some outlets have a reset button on them; try pushing this button to reset the outlet and then try the charger again to see if it works.

2). Reset The Breaker

Each circuit has a breaker to protect it from overcurrent and short circuit conditions; if you have experienced any overcurrent recently, you will find your breaker tripped, which will cut the power of the circuit and will impact the outlet you are using. Therefore, if you have any tripped breaker, you will need to reset it.

3). Turn The Switch of The Outlet 

Switches can control some outlets switch; when turned off, it will cut the outlet’s power; meanwhile, when it’s turned on, it will connect the outlet to the circuit, which means it will have power on it. If a switch controls your outlet, you need to check it and switch it on, and then you can test the charger.

Method Two

1). Check The Port Connections

Each charge has a port where the charging cable is connected from one end to the charger, and the other end is connected to the phone port; if the connections are properly fitted, there will be problems in charging. Therefore, you need to check the connection of your charging cable.

Remove the cable from the charger head and then properly connect it back. Also, remove the cable from the phone port and reconnect it back properly to ensure all the connections are tight and there are no loose connections.

Method Three

1). Look For Frays

Charging cables could be torn and wear over time, and this could affect their efficiency and can lead to them not working properly; therefore, if you have an exposed wire or frayed, you need to replace it with a new cable; exposed wires are very dangerous and can cause many hazards like electrical shocks and even starting fires.

2). Repairing Old Wire

If you can’t get a new cable right away, you can try repairing the old one; if the wires have some exposed areas, you can use electrical tape to cover them. First, however, you would need to use a high rated electrical cable that has two main features:

  • The tape must be made of a non-conductive material; therefore, the current will not pass through the tape and reach the user’s hands which can cause electrical shocks and injuries.
  • The tape must be rated for high-temperature degrees because the charger gets warm when connected to electricity; therefore, if the tape is not rated for high-temperature degrees, it will start to meltdown and stick to the charge, which is not safe to use.

Using electrical tape to repair an old cable must be a temporary solution until you get a new cable; even if you are using a high-rated electrical tape to cover the old cable, new cables provide a safer and more efficient experience.


Method Four

1). Restart The Device

Sometimes the main problem is that the device needs to be restarted, whether it is a laptop, mobile, or tablet. For example, the system could be the reason for the phone not charging; therefore, you need to reboot your device and then connect the charger again to see if it’s working.

Method Five

1). Prepare Your Tools

  • Compressed Air Can, the cans have a small and thin straw to use for small places and make it easy to spray and clean them.
  • Sharp and Thin Tooth Pick.
  • Pad or Ball of Cotton.
  • Isopropyl Alcohol.
  • A platform to Work On.

2). Prepare the Toothpick

If you have a cotton swab, you can use it instead of this method, but if you don’t have a cotton swab, you can use a toothpick by rolling a piece of cotton on it. In addition, do this step to both ends of the toothpick, so you would have two sides to clean with.

3). Turn off The Device

Before cleaning any part of your device, for example, your laptop or phone, or tablet, you need to shut down the device completely to avoid any damage. In addition, if the device has a removable battery, you need to remove it for a safer cleaning process.

4). Use the Compressed Air Can

Place the straw attached to the can in the charging port left or right side, hold the straw steady in position, and push it down into the port. Press down the can’s nozzle to make the air flows into the port for one to two seconds while fixing the straw. Don’t make the air flows for more than two seconds.

The air pressure can damage the device’s delicate components and structures, and don’t use your mouth to blow into the charging port because this can lead to adding moisture into the port, which could damage the internal components of the port.

5). Use the Toothpick

Insert the cottoned-toothpick or the cotton swab end into the port, but you have to be careful when inserting it into the port and always lean to the side and walls of the port. Next, move the toothpick tip along the sides of the pot to loosen any dirt or debris found there; you can do this several times to ensure you loosen everything inside.

When using the cotton swab or the cottoned toothpick, you have to do it carefully and gently but also firmly to remove all the debris from the port. You can also dip the cotton on the toothpick in a very small amount of rubbing alcohol if there is a lot of gunk in the port; this way, it will be easier for you to loosen them.

6). Finish with the Compressed Air

After loosening all the debris and junk inside the phone port, getting the air compressed can hold your phone where the port faces the working desk. Insert the straw attached to the can in the charging port left or right side, hold the straw steady in position, and push it down into the port.

 Press down the can’s nozzle to make the air flows into the port for one to two seconds while fixing the straw in place; all the debris or gunk in the port should come out while you are pressing the air into the port; after cleaning the port, you can now if you charger works.


To sum up, yes, you can use a tape to fix a broken charger; however, if you are using electrical tape to repair an old cable must be a must temporary solution until you get a new cable or a new charger, even if you are using a high-rated electrical tape to cover the old cable, new cables provide a more safe and efficient experience.

You need to use a high rated electrical cable that has two main features:

  • The tape must be made of a non-conductive material; therefore, the current will not pass through the tape and reach the user’s hands which can cause electrical shocks and injuries.
  • The tape must be rated for high-temperature degrees because the charger gets warm when connected to electricity; therefore, if the tape is not rated for high-temperature degrees, it will start to meltdown and stick to the charge, which is not safe to use.

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